Dear Change Agent and "Little Change Agents":
The mission of GOPALS is to spread joy by doing good. First, by creating a small stuffed friend that never leaves a child’s side. Second, by donating to children's charities.
10% of all of our profits on “Piper the Cat” will go towards Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF). Each year, over 300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer worldwide. ALSF and its supporters are propelling the world towards a future without childhood cancer.
This work is personal to my family. Several years ago, I lost a husband—and my daughter Piper, a father—to cancer. We know how hard he fought, and we want to continue his fight by supporting the cure for childhood cancer. Please join us in the effort to rid the world of childhood cancers and save other families from the devastating loss of a loved one.

Lorrie Vogel